Friday, March 20, 2009

There’s an Elephant in the Room but the Donkey Doesn’t Care

Our Democrat controlled House and Senate are about to ram national health care down the throats of the citizens of the United States whether we want it or not. If enacted it will have been passed with no opportunity for public hearings or debate. The Obama administration has added it as a sort of “earmark” to the bundle of laws to be voted on by congress. The ears on that healthcare bill are bigger than those of either the donkey (Democrat) or the elephant (Republican) which were part of the recently passed $413 billion package recently signed into law by the president. The amount asked for is called a “down payment” on the actual total dollars needed to cover the healthcare costs of every US citizen and illegal alien.

They have grossly underestimated the price of this universal healthcare but it matters not to them, they will just send us the bill; in the form of increased taxation. When the Medicare legislation was enacted in 1965 it was estimated that the annual bill would rise to $9 billion by 1990. The actual cost that year was $66 billion. In 2007 the cost of Medicare was 3.2% of the GDP. The GDP that year was $14 trillion. 3.2% of that is $448 billion. Medicare recipients account for 15% of our population. To cover the other 85% of our citizens will run up the cost of healthcare to two and one quarter trillion dollars.

It is estimated that in the next 25 years healthcare costs will amount to 30% of the GDP or nearly $5 trillion if the national healthcare legislation passes; and don’t forget that the government’s figures were way out of line when estimating the increase in the cost of Medicare over 25 years. Government needs to get out of the business of healthcare and preserve and protect our nation’s sovereignty and the constitution that has held sway for over 200 years.

Call you congressman and senators and tell them to vote no on the bill containing healthcare or they will have to find a private sector job when the next election finds them out of Washington and paying taxes for their fool hearty legislative acts like the rest of us do.

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